In liu of any training information I'll keep my blog updated with my rehabilitation in case it can help me or someone else down the road.
The swelling in my leg is slowly going down. I'm moving more easily all the time.
I can walk unassisted if I like or with a cane, but I use a walker for stability. My surgeon stressed using the walker to make sure that I worked on keeping a proper gait. He told me that I could most likely use a cane fairly quickly but I would be limping. This would lead to my limp lasting longer than if I use my walker and practice proper walking mechanics. This makes a lot of sense to me as it is very similar to the adage not to train over a disfunction.
For me right now the biggest worries are falling or infection.
Starting next week I'll start incorporating pullups and dips into my routine and work on regaining proper movement with my lower body. I'm eating like a horse again and concentrating on healing and recovery. Lots of chilling involved. Thank god I have a decent little home theater and about 5 billion movies to watch!