We got a bit of a break in the morning due to John DuCane's marketing lecture which was held in a conference room in the hotel I was staying at. Very interesting and informative, but incomplete as John was not able to finish his presentation.
We met back up at the facility and Jeff O'Conner led us through a mobility complex.
We went out to the field and I (and one other guy) had to retake my snatch test. I was cooked at this point and could only manage 92 reps. It would have been preferable to have taken the test yesterday morning when I had more steam.
Our team went over the various exercises we had learned and worked with each other while we practiced.
Then it was filling out course evaluations and instruction on what to do with the victims when they showed up for our teaching assessments.
After lunch we met up in our groups and the victims were organized and assigned. I had to share a victim with another guy in my group due to the number of people that showed up to volunteer for their free lesson.
Then it was time for the infamous grad workout. Our workout consisted of 5 one arm swings, straight to clean and then 5 squats with the bell racked using our snatch test weight (24kg for me) - after the last squat we took 10 steps forward and got to put the bell down for about 15 - 20 seconds of rest. Then repeat with the other side.
No two ways about it...the grad workout was pretty hard work. At the end I had tunnel vision and just tried to take things one step at a time and not let my breath get out of control. When I finally crossed the line and knew that was it as far as exercises went it was pretty incredible. Everyone was high fiving and cheering on the people that were still making their way to the finish line.
We did our evaluations with our team. I passed everything except for my snatch test. My team leader Paul Daniels told me I had 90 days to do my snatch test and get confirmation to him whether it was in front of an RKC team leader or by sending him a video. He also told me that even though I had 90 days he expected it in 45 days.
That was the end of an incredible weekend. The most incredible weekend of my life. I was pretty happy even though I didn't walk away with my training certificate as I knew my conditioning was already there for the snatch test and that doing it in Jordan's studio would not be a problem.
4 days ago