C&P ladders - 24kg - 5 sets to 3 rungs with 28kg renegade rows matching reps for each arm in between rungs (pr)
24kg swings - 10 sets of 20 on the minute - 200 reps in 10 minutes (pr)
Not bad. I was feeling a bit beat yesterday but I recovered enough to push out 2 prs. Some of the presses got leaned to the side a bit but I definitely feel stronger on these than last week.
For my swings I just wanted to push the sets of 20 out there some more. First time I hit 200 in 10 minutes with the 24kg. All hardstyle shoulder height.
4 days ago
Good work and consistent progress.
I do have some advice about this workout:
* Don't be pendatic about "no side lean" during the press. That kind of stuff is for people that never press anything heavy. When you lean to the side, you are not "cheating", but you are accounting for the displacement of the center of gravity of the larger bell. If you ever want to press the 40kg at your weight, you are going to have to lean to the side.
Don't superset TGUs with presses, you will only overtrain your shoulder. Use TGUs on your variety days as active recovery for your shoulders once a week and do more presses..
Thanks for checking my blog and sharing your experience Faizal.
I figured that as long as my lean was to the side (not to the back) and that I was paying attention to the rest of the proper pressing mechanics I should be ok. Sounds like that is the case.
I'm not currently doing TGU in my routine. I'm doing renegade rows currently. The reason I'm using those instead of pullups right now is due to some tendonitis in my left elbow that is almost gone by now.
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