Fighter pullups (towel grip) - 7, 6, 6, 5, 4
Lever block curls - 12.5 lbs a little farther out than midway - 3x5
8lb sledgehammer levering
Stiff leg deadlifts - 28kg bell - 1x20
I'm deloading the way I planned for the TSC. I'm hoping my knee and hip will ease up on me enough to compete next Saturday. Depending on how I feel early next week I'll have a good idea. I'm hurting just walking around right now.
My weight is coming down. I'm about 186 lbs today. I've been substituting my breakfast and lunch with protein shakes: milk, whey protein isolate and milled flax seeds. For my breakfast shake I also add Alive liquid vitamins. It's worked well as I've never been this lean with this much muscle in my life.
If nothing else I'll shoot for a pullup pr next week. I'm going to keep deloading and pretty much stop everything I'm doing by Wednesday next week and cross my fingers that my knee and hip will get way better so I can snatch.
4 days ago
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