Back squat - 45lbs 2x5, 50lbs 1x5, 80lbs 1x3, 105lbs 1x2, 135lbs 3x5
Press - 45lbs 2x5, 50lbs 1x5, 60lbs 1x3, 75lbs 1x2, 92.5lbs 3x5
Power clean - 65lbs 3x5, 70lbs 1x3, 85lbs 1x2, 105lbs 5x3
Kettlebell swings - 20kg 5x16 on the minute
A few of the later squat reps weren't the best. I would start to move forward just a touch...nothing terrible, but not optimal.
My power clean form was lacking on a lot of the reps. I still have some that are getting caught in the hands and not racked nicely on my shoulders. Time to move down in weight and work on form.