Back squat - 80lbs 1x5, 100lbs 1x5, 120lbs 1x3, 150lbs 1x5, 170lbs 1x3, 190lbs 1x3
Real bare bones at this point. I'm dropping the BBB assistance work on this last week as I taper off.
I mentioned excuses the other day, but I should document my thoughts on why I felt so wrecked and weak last week for my future self if for no other reason.
I was coming up on the end of 6 months of continuous progress and the main lifts weren't tiring me out as much as all the volume from the BBB assistance work. I also started learning to play golf which had me going out to the range 3 -4 times a week. For the last 6 months I've been doing my lifting and then chilling hard. I need to get used to standing and walking around without sitting for hours and one more thing....the sun. That glowing orb in the sky and it's affects on the skin are something I apparently forgot about. I got burned pretty good as I have a shaved head, wasn't wearing a hat or sunscreen. Lesson learned.
It was a combination of those things I believe that had me crash at the end of last week. I need to remember that especially now that I'm older all physical activity will take it's toll and I need to ease into something new.
I'll finish up this week with the full 5/3/1 lifts, do my backoff week next week and then move into a new phase. I'm still thinking about what I'll be doing a bit but at this point it looks like two days devoted to strength and two days devoted to kettlebell conditioning. I see long sets of swings and snatches in my near future again. My conditioning is not up to snuff at this point so I know it's gonna be "fun".