Deadlift - 5x275, 5x250, 6 sets of 5x220
Pressing - 20kg bell - 10 sets of 5/5
Good workout. Maybe doing my first ever bear type dl workout wasn't the best idea after getting home from driving to Visalia and back again for work today. I left home at 6:45 and it was about 3 hours and 20 minutes or so each way with a stop in the middle for me to submit drawings for plan check. So being in a car for almost 7 hours and then dl workout...brilliant! I have a pull in my back now. Should be something I can work through.
I met with a sports doctor the other day that took some x-rays of my hip and showed me that the blood flow in my damaged hip is not up to snuff and the bone is dying. He didn't have the x-rays from immediately after my surgery (4 years ago) to compare so he had no idea if this was recent or the same as it was then. He also ignored what I told him about possibly tearing or pulling a muscle in my groin a few months ago. He was a fancy doctor and they were busy. I'm thinking he brushed me off because he didn't want to deal with me.
He told me I should never lift heavy again!
I did make an appointment with the guy who did my surgery in a few weeks. He seemed to be a straight shooter and I'll talk over all options with him. I may need another surgery...
Instead of getting bummed (I'm lying...yesterday I was bummed) I will keep on what I'm doing right now and see what my hip surgeon has to say about options.
I'm getting bigger and I'm getting stronger. Lots of food and a half gallon of milk will do that along with three heavy days a week of training. Two other days are intended to be very light with grip work only and two days off. 32kg press here I come!
5 days ago
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