Bending - 10 white nails, 5 green nails, 1 6" 1/4" dia. hrs bar, 7" 1/4" dia. crs bar attempt
High intensity pressing - 3x3 20kg, 3x2 24kg, 3x1 28kg (all left side were assisted presses. 3rd right was an assisted press)
8lb sledgehammer levering - rear, front, rotations
Card tearing - 20 cards quartered, 15 cards quartered, 17 cards quartered
White nails are easy, green nails are getting easy. I bought some bar from Home Depot earlier today and cut it up into 3/16" crs 5" lengths, 1/4" hrs 6" lengths, 1/4" crs 7" lengths. The 1/4" hrs is WAY easier than the 1/4" crs bar. Maybe my wrists were just fatigued from the bending I did before it. I tried to move as quickly as I was able through the bends. The final 7" 1/4" dia. crs bar attempt was a no go as I got it to bend slightly but not kink.
Pressing went good. I can't wait to own the 28kg in presses because that means the 32kg will be right around the corner. I remember not being able to reliably press the 24kg on my left and now I can hit 3 sets of 2 military presses with it and my first attempt almost went up.
My hands were pretty smoked by the time I got to the card tearing.
4 days ago
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