Pushups - 3x19
Air squats - 3x20
Two handed swings 28kg - 5x10 - not timed
Two handed swings 28kg - 1x20, 7x15, 4x10 - on the minute - 165 swings in 12 minutes
I not only have to work on proper swing form but my swing cadence as well. I'll be picking up a metronome soon so I can practice a perfect cadence of 40 swings/minute.
Another lesson learned today. I just picked up the 28 and start doing some presses either side and I pulled/strained a muscle in my neck/back. It was stupid. I got through the swings today, but my neck is very stiff and sore now. Hopefully it will just be a day or so before it loosens up.
Be smart!
4 days ago
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