Barbell press - 45lbs 2x5, 60lbs 1x5, 80lbs 1x3, 95lbs 1x3, 115lbs 5x5
Deadlift - 135lbs 2x5, 225lbs 1x3, 260lbs 1x2, 310lbs 2x3, (volume sets - 90 seconds rest between sets) 275lbs 10x5
I think I'm going to terminate my Bear and go back to what I was doing just before I took these 3 weeks.
I consider these 3 weeks to be a big success. From 4 sets to 10 sets of 275lbs with the 90 seconds rest between sets in 3 weeks is a great sign of progress. Oh yeah...I easily gained at least 10 lbs in those 3 weeks. I'm about 222 lbs right now give or take depending on how hydrated I am.
That was also a pr for me in the barbell press. I was kind of thinking I'd already hit 115lbs for sets of 5 in the past, but I was wrong. Early this year I hit sets of 5 with 100lbs and wrote that they felt heavy. I'm still weak, but I'm stronger than I was and that's pretty cool. Lots of work ahead, but a step forward.
I was a bit soft after just concentrating on my strength just before this bear. I visually look to be of similar leanness, but I just happen to be about 10 -12 lbs heavier. My posterior chain feels like it's ready to go to work!
4 days ago
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