Pullups - ladders 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 5, 5
Pushups - 3 sets of 16
I didn't do my scheduled workout (tgu and heavy swings) this evening as I developed a bad headache and felt irritable and weak. Seemed like a good time to take extra rest time.
The morning was great though. I got my ladders to 7 reps which topped last week. I'm going to see if I'm still progressing in the next week or two. Training pullups is not like training anything else it seems.
5 days ago
I started hooking a kb to my toe(s) ala RKC-II. I found getting 3-5 reps with weight helps your body learn how to do a more perfect body weight pull-up. I am increasing weight weekly. I like to vary between using weight and low reps, to just body weight with increased reps.
Just trying to make RKC-II as smooth as possible once I have the $$.
Jet, I just finished a month where I was doing pullups twice a week. One time 5x5 with weight and the other higher volume with lots of smaller reps.
I'm currently working on the Armstrong pullup plan which I'm giving a whirl to see how I react to it.
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