I was just messing around, feeling strong because I'm eating like crazy....and pressed the 32kg bell on my right side. My left wasn't going up. The press was leaning for sure but it went up to lockout. As a sidenote...the 24kg is feeling pretty light now. I can easily do 5 presses in a row on each side. I didn't want to go for a full pr there as I still have a workout to do later this afternoon. Stoked!
Squats - 65 lbs x10, 85 lbs x10, 130 lbs x5, 130 lbs x20
Pullups - 20 lbs around waist 5, 5, 3, 3, 5x2
Press - 110 lbs 3x5
My pressing is paying off. I'm still using a bit of english but it doesn't feel excessive and I'm not using my hips or dipping at all to drive the bar up...just leaning back a bit on some reps.
The squats had me breathing pretty hard after 10 or so. The last 5 reps required some drive, but I'm really feeling my glutes being activated on the drive up and feeling strong.
I only have a couple more weeks of this routine to go but I think I'll change my pullups on this day to ladders. I was shooting for 5x5 and then adding weight but since I'm gaining weight as well it is hard to get an accurate idea of how my strength is progressing with them.
I'm around 204 or so right now.
5 days ago
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