Pushups - 3x15
Armstrong pullup program - 10, 7, 5, 5, 4
Max VO2 - 16kg bell 15/15 protocol - 26 sets of 7 reps
Tore and quartered 40 cheap cards (to start...ended up being around 34 or so).
Bending - 4 green nails in a mix of do and du styles, 4 7" 3/16" sq. crs bars
I'm going to do the following every morning for now:
Z Health Neural Warmup
RKC arm bars - 16 kg for 30 seconds, 20 kg for 20 seconds, 24 kg for 10 seconds. I'll slowly increase the time on these.
Some foam rolling for my it bands and quads
Hamstring and hip stretching
Man...not having done swings or even that much cardio sure has taken its toll. I know this will come on quickly though and I'll bring it on slow and steady.
I took a lot of days off since last weeks workout. My hip was really aching so I really wanted to give it some time to rest up before I started in on this next cycle.
Pullups felt tough, but I'm happy to have 10 as my first maximum effort set. I'm still about 204 lbs right now so I'm happy with the pullup strength I have right now. I should easily get the pullups I want by the time of the TSC.
I'm back on the warrior diet as of today. Since I was thinking of food so much today I decided to take Tracy Reifkind's advice posted on her blog and got a pressure cooker! Actually I got two of them...the Fagor combo set with both a 4 and an 8 quart pressure cooker. Looking forward to making some good food!
5 days ago
Tracy and I are pressure cooking buddies. You can check out my blog at and my website at
A pressure cooker can change your cooking life. Have fun with it or, rather, them.
Thank you very much! I will bookmark your sites.
I have been using mine for a few months and feeling more and more comfortable with it. It works great with the Warrior Diet, enjoy Kai!
Thanks Kevin. I can't wait to start using package should arrive tomorrow.
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