Pushups - 3x18
Armstrong pullup program - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4
One legged deadlifts - 24kg bell in hand of the leg doing the work 1x10/10
Wheel rollouts from knees - 3x10
I made it to a pullup ladder of 6 reps today which is better than the ladder to 5 I did last week. I'm about 202 lbs today.
My goal is to very slowly lose weight until September. When I checked my bodyfat with calipers after the April TSC I was at about 14.5% bodyfat. I'd like to settle in a bit lower than that hopefully and weigh more than the 188 I weighed in April. 195 is my goal. I'm trying not to lose more than around a pound a week right now. It's pretty tough to get it that close, but hopefully by this weekend I'll be just around 200 even.
The one legged deadlift is a tough movement to lock in just right. Once I feel like I'm "owning" the sets a bit more I'll probably add a set for now and see how that goes. Once I can hit 3 sets solid I'll give the 28kg bell a whirl.
The wheel rollouts are feeling stronger as well.
5 days ago
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