Hindu squats - 80
Pushups with feet elevated 24" - 1x18, 2x17
Tgu - 24kg - 5x1/1
24kg swings - 5 sets of 20 on the minute, 5 sets of 11 on the minute
My morning routine is more along the lines of a wake up type of thing to get my blood pumping first thing. I don't think I'm going to go for very high reps in the hindu squats. For me 100 seems like a decent amount for muscle endurance without really going too hard. The elevated pushups are for a few reasons: vanity (to get some balance to the back and shoulder mass I've been slowly adding) and to help with my pressing in the long term. In the few weeks since I've started with my feet elevated I swear my triceps have already added some mass. This is one area that I've wanted to do a little work on to help my long term pressing goals.
4 days ago
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