Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sunday 1/1/12

Happy new year!

I'm still doing some training. For the last month I've been doing the following 5 days a week:

Goblet squats sets of 10 - 3-4 times a day. Currently using a 32kg bell
Pushups 3-4 times a day. Currently doing sets of 14
CC Pullups step 2 horizontal pulls - 3-4 times a day. Currently doing sets of 14 (hands at sternum height, back of foot even with the bar)

And eating. I did also take a few weeks completely off at first. I'm actually shocked at how much muscle I've gained just doing this. I'm about 205 - 210 lbs right now but leaner all the time. I do plan on hitting the barbell again soon and I should be doing some swings as well.

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