Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday 6/16/09


Pushups - 3x15


Armstrong pullup program - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4

Wheel rollouts from knees - 3x5

One legged deadlifts - 24kg bell in hand of the leg doing the work 1x10/10

The one legged deadlifts are tough to do with correct form. I really had to tighten up for these.


Jordan Vezina said...

Kai, part of the deadlift issue is your FMS score. Everything you dropped on during the test is deadlift related. I'm putting together everyone's stuff and I'll e-mail you with some corrective work you can start doing. These will suddenly become a lot easier.

Kai Johnson said...

You're the man! Thanks Jordan....I can't wait to fix myself!

Jordan Vezina said...

It's coming! I swear! I need more hours in the day. :)