Tgu - 20kg continuous reps 3/3, 1 1/2/1 1/2, 1/1, 1/1
24kg swings - 5 sets of 20 on the minute, 20, 15
I was starting to feel a little beat down by the end of last week. My left elbow was getting pretty sore from the volume of pullups I was doing and my left should was a bit strained from the pressing ladders I did last Wednesday. For the next two weeks I'm going to be doing TGU and swings on M/W/F and high/low volume pullups and goblet squats on T/Th.
This should give my body a bit of a break from the volume of the Armstrong Pullup Program and Max VO2. I'm planning on going back into that same basic structure after two weeks. According to Pavel's block training protocols laid out in RTK I should be able to ease right back into what I was doing. Depending on how this feels I may jump back and forth between these two blocks of training as they are "similar but different". Both blocks should help address my current goals.
My weight is hovering at about 198 lbs. I'm purposely trying to move this down slowly, but I do need to concentrate on a few less Calories every day to have this drop just a bit quicker. I feel that a body weight of 185 or so may end up being more advantageous for my current goals than the 195 I have up at the moment. I would most likely be pretty close to 10% body fat at that weight and I bet my pullups will be very strong as well.
4 days ago
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