Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday 7/9/09


Pushups - 3x22


8lb sledgehammer levering

Armstrong pullup program - 7x5, 4

One legged deadlifts - 28kg bell in hand of the leg doing the work 2x10/10

Farmers walk - 50 lb dumbell in each hand - 3x twice around the backyard

L-sits - 2x30 seconds

Pullups are getting stronger every week. I started doing sledgehammer levering before my pullups to warm my elbows and forearms up. I'm cautiously thinking that these are helping the soreness I was starting to feel in my left elbow. It's also helping my wrist strength to do a bit of levering more often as my 8 lb hammer feels more manageable all the time. I'd like to stay on this program for another week or two before I back off and test myself. I'll see what my elbow has to say about that. I weighed in at 198 for pullups today.

The l-sits are pretty tough atm. My legs start to droop at the end of the second set. I'll work these up to 3 sets and then start slowly increasing time. I heard somewhere that getting these up to 1 minute is a good goal and that sounds pretty reasonable to me.

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