Pushups - 3x22
Armstrong pullup program - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 5
One legged deadlifts - 28kg bell in hand of the leg doing the work 2x10/10
Farmers walk - 50 lb dumbell in each hand - 3x twice around the backyard
8lb sledgehammer levering
L-sits - 2x30 seconds
Ladder to 7 and another set of 7 even though I couldn't get the 8th rung are way stronger than last week. I weighed 200 lbs even during my pullups. I managed to eat pretty moderately at my Mom's and actually weigh a few lbs less after the weekend.
The farmers walks seem to be working. My forearms are burning less by the end. I'll start 3x around next week.
4 days ago
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