Saturday, July 4, 2009

Saturday 7/4/09


Pullups - 4x8


Max VO2 - 16kg bell 15/15 protocol - 50 sets of 7 reps

It's nice and cool up here in Eureka, CA. That made it a bit easier to hit 50 sets in Max VO2 for the first time in a while. I was breathing hard and sweating tons, but it is definitely coming back.

My weight is still around 203 lbs right now. I haven't been committing to cutting calories enough to really start dropping. It's not getting any easier up here at my mom's house. For instance...Margaret and I rolled in last night at 8:00 and my mom had my favorite german meal ready for us: Sauerkraut and wurstchen. It was great...but there is no way that this weekend I'm going to be losing any weight. I'll start working on it a bit more seriously next week. I still have some months to go, but I need to lean out a bit to hit higher reps in my pullups.


Steve Ruiz said...

Hey Kai: Ain't it great to eat mom's cookin'! Heck, enjoy it while you can -- with your workouts and discipline you'll be able to drop those lbs you want. I hate to read about your ongoing hip problem...hope you can find some relief soon. Good luck and good training! Steve

Kai Johnson said...

Thanks for the kind words Steve!

I know my hip will eventually be fixed so for now it's just keeping my momentum on the things that I can concentrate on.