Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday 5/22/10


Two handed swings 32kg - 1x20, 2x10 (warmup - not timed)

Two handed swings 32kg - 3x15, 7x10 (on the minute) - 115 in 10 min

Pullups throughout the day gtg - 12x5

I have to foam roll my it bands, quads and adductors a bunch before I swing so my knees don't get tight and feel sore. It seems to be working though. Having it work for the next three months will be a real success.


Mark Reifkind said...

Nice work on the minute trainig Kai,tracy would be proud :))

hows the finger?

Kai Johnson said...

Thanks Mark! High praise indeed.

The finger is healing I hope. 1 more week of the splint until I find out. I can't wait to get this thing off!