Saturday, September 10, 2011

Saturday 9/10/11


Back squat - 70lbs 1x5, 90lbs 1x5, 110lbs 1x3, 115lbs 1x5, 135lbs 1x5, 155lbs 1x6

Barbell press - 50lbs 1x5, 65lbs 1x5, 80lbs 1x3, 85lbs 1x5, 100lbs 1x5, 110lbs 1x7

CC Pullups step 1 vertical pulls - 3x30

Band pull aparts (purple Jumpstretch band) 3x14

Convict Conditioning sets sure require patience. I feel good about these in my routine. My elbow is feeling good and it seems as though the tendonitis I've had for over a year is almost gone.

I pick up my kettlebells and press them here and there. My 32kg press feels better than ever and I believe I'm a bit lighter than I was the last time I was pressing it this well.

I'm about 213lbs right now.


Neil Bednar said...

Kai, I found your training blog through Rif's Blog. I see you're working CC- it's cool to see someone else writing about their progress. If you're interested, I'm blogging my progress as well:


Kai Johnson said...

I'm really just using the CC progression for pullups in conjunction with my barbell training due to how gentle the vertical pull is on my elbows. I haven't been able to do pullups for over a year now due to elbow tendonitis. It is almost gone and I'm looking forward to doing pullups again in the near future.

I'm personally not too interested in CC aside from picking and choosing what works for me at a certain time.

Nice to meet you and good luck in your training.