Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday 5/6/13


Deadlift - 135lbs 1x 5, 185lbs 1x 5, 205lbs, 1x 3, 225lbs 1x 5,3,2

Bench - 95lbs 1x 5, 115lbs 1x 5, 135lbs 1x 3, 135lbs 1x 5,3,2

I've been messing around but haven't done anything consistent or organized at all. School is taking a lot of my attention so I'd like to get into a groove with PTTP while I'm working on the classes for my major.

I'm sort of greasing the groove with pullups and 28kg bell presses in the backyard. I want to do some swings as well and that should do fine for the time being.

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