Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wednesday 11/18/09


Back squat - 45lbs 2x5, 55lbs 2x3, 70lbs 3x5

Press - 45lbs 1x5, 55lbs 1x5, 65lbs 1x5, 75lbs 1x5, 80lbs 1x5

Power clean - 45lbs 3x3, 55lbs 1x3, 65lbs 1x3, 75lbs 1x3, 80lbs 1x3

Kettlebell swings - 16kg 5x10 on the minute

Just finding my starting weight for the lifts. I used the recommendations from the book and started with an empty bar and kept adding until the bar speed noticably slowed. I was tempted to add a bit more to the press but I figured that starting light is a good thing and will let me stay on the program longer.

I'm trying to eat a good amount, but not gain fast yet. I'm about 195lbs at the moment and I'd like to stay under 200 for the first month and then start ramping up the calories as the weight starts getting higher.

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