Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday 8/23/10


TGU 24kg - 5 x 1/1

Snatch 16kg - 1x10/10

Snatch 16kg - 1x5/5

Snatch 20kg - 2x5/5

Snatch 24kg - 1x3/3

Snatch test 24kg 3 min. - 62 reps

Max VO2 - 16kg bell 15/15 protocol - 20 sets of 7 reps

I was hoping for more reps but it was pretty hot today and I did do a little work before the test. I wanted to get one more day snatching the 24kg bell before the RKC. I can see how important it is to snatch the heavier bells regularly. I could have done more of this but I feel like I'm ready.

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