Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday 5/15/09


Squats - 110 lbs 5x5

Pressing - 10x5/5 20kg, 10x5/5 16kg

Pullups with 20 lbs (supersetted with first 5 sets of presses) - 2x5, 4, 3, 3

It's really nice to be sqatting again.

My pressing is starting to feel more solid. I did 10 sets with the 20kg bell this time. I'll keep increasing the sets I do with that bell until I'm doing all 20 sets.

Pullups feel hard. I'm gaining weight and that in itself makes a big difference in how strong pullups feel. I'll just keep working the 20 lbs and using the weight I gain as a gauge as to how strong I'm getting. My other pullup day I'll probably work heavy singles and doubles to work on my 1 rm strength.

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