Pushups - 3x 10
TGU 16kg - 5x 1/1
TGU 20kg - 5x 1/1
CC Pullups step 2 horizontal pulls after each press ladder - 3x12 (hands at sternum height, feet under bar)
One handed swings 16kg - 5x 20
Two handed swings 20kg - 1x 20, 1x10
Two handed swings 24kg - 2x 10
I'm going to loosely do a sort of Program Minimum for a month or so just to get some conditioning and ease up on anything heavy (for me). I'll be swinging a lot so I'm going to knock off deadlifting for now but keep some squatting in the mix because it just plain agrees with me.
I'm down to about 208 lbs right now. I definitely notice a loss of strength, but I am much more muscular and leaner than I have ever been at this weight. The last year paid off like I planned it would. Just need to keep on track for the long haul.
4 days ago